Hi ho, hi ho… it’s off to the courthouse we go. When? – 11:30 am on Saturday 25th. Be there early for the best seats with your uke, voice and happy face to witness the first festival outing of M.U.T. – (The Mullum Uke Troupe). Final song book for the concert is available here – an hours worth of contemporary uke-tastic tunes. M.U.T is your classic hardy bitster, comprising of 12 players and voices of mostly local Mullum folk with the addition of some fine Gold Coast, Murwillumbah and Byron talent + special guest vocalists.
Start your day by making the music – then feel rightfully deserving of the feast of excellent acts put together by festival director, Glenn Wright, who has again out done himself this year… (and he doesn’t even know it). Strap me up and strum me… I’m excited!!!!