Well… after rescheduling this event a week later than first announced, we had a good-sized group of attendees all up for some fun after a big wet rainy season. And what fun we had!
Two sets of hapa-haole tunes from Aloha Baby with the graceful dancers from Gold Coast Hula Dance School Na Pua O Australia. My personal highlight was watching the entire audience up and dancing a hula to The Hukilau Song. Thanks to all who came, strummed along and joined in the spirit of Aloha.
Aloha Baby Rod, Paul and Stu with dancers Rena and Tomoka
Thanks to all who came along to the first Mullum Uke Night. Clelia Adams had taken out another award in Tamworth. This time for Best Female Vocalist and we could see why as she was in very fine form. As was Erina Leech with Patty Smith’s ‘Because The Night’ and the challenging ‘Highwoman’. Val Hodgson gave us a Memphis Minnie classic and her new original climate aware Christmas Tune – ‘Santa Santa’. Daughter Rosie and Miss Amber were hitting the very high notes with wonderful renditions of ‘Waterloo’ and ‘Xanadu’. It was nice to be back in the auditorium at the Ex-services. Such a great sounding room.
Big Thanks to the debonaire Mr. Rod Coe on bass and Evan Sun on other stringed things and Ash on the door.
It was great to see some new faces and beginners in the audience. We lost a few in the second set. Scared ’em off again. Next March will be more like a mass lesson. Till then. Happy International Ukulele Day! STU
We were back the Courthouse Hotel for our 8th Birthday. It was also our last Mullumbimby UKE NIGHT for a while so we had a cast of thousands… loads of our great special guests came to lead songs: John Hill, Sara Tindly, Ash Bell, Clelia Adams, Raku O’Gaia, Shelly Brown, Justin Bannister, Max Foggon, Erina Leech and the N.R.U.O. In the band we had Jason Caspen on drums, Rod Coe on bass, Dan Brown & JB on keys, Evan Sun on Mando and guitar with our mate Kate Gittins on wind and accordion. It was a special evening with a massive turn out. Thanks to all who came along.
With all the extra preparation for Ballina, I didn’t really have the brain space to come up with a theme title for June 2019 UKE NIGHT in Mullum. Clelia Adams was back and in fine form and we had… not 1, not 2, but 3 songs lead by Erina Leech from our Monday night Mullum Uke Club
We had a bunch of songs that were made famous by Linda Ronstadt, The Eagles, Carole King then a few eclectic bits and pieces. It all hung together really well and though the inclement weather kept people away, we had a great evening of self made music and frivolity. Final songbook attached below.
See the video here: SET 1| SET 2 there’s a few jerky moments though generally a good stream. Thanks to Rod Coe on bass, Jason Caspen on drums and Evan Sun on guitar and mandolin. Big thanks also to Luis on sound and Samb on the live stream.
This was a great night of music and hanging out together. We had a problem with our internet speed and unfortunately most of the first set was lost though luckily we recorded two songs… Set one | Set twoWe loved learning these Elton John & Bernie Taupin songs… it was a great month capped of by seeing ‘Rocketman’ on the weekend after Uke Night at the flicks. We felt like we knew Elton personally. Nice work Erina and Mak and very special mention to Rosie who really excelled with ‘I’m Still Standing’.
Yep… Due to Anzac day activities… 2 Up, UKE NIGHT was moved to Friday. All in all it was a great evening. It was nice to some young kids in the audience having a go. Thanks to all involved Tim Stokes, Clelia Adms, Erina Leech, Roise, Jamie on Drums , Rod on Bass, Luis and Deb and Ash.
We had a lot of fun – Here see for your self: SET 1 | SET 2
What a fun night. It was so great to have the crew from Evans Head along and a contingent from Lennox head. The simple songs, chords and keys attracted a lost of newbies (and kept a few of the regulars away… though they just may have been out of town… who knows.)
Jamie Pattugalin on drums, Roddy Coe on bass with special guests Chris Cook on guitar and fiddle and the wonderful Clelia Adams. A winning combo. Lot’s of fun had by all.
The songbook is available through patreon. See the live streams here Set 1 | Set 2
What a surprise this UKE NIGHT was. Everyone agreed it was a great selection of songs, although not the easiest to play, many memories were stirred up and there was a great feeling in the room.
The band was relaxed and hardly missed a beat. The Amazing Kate Gittins who played keys, flute, clarinet and accordion was remarkable as was the smiling Jaime Pattugalin with his snappy drumming and the ever solid Rod Coe holding down the bottom end with both electric and acoustic bass.
Miss Amber slayed her tunes and although young Rose (15 YO) had a head cold, she still impressed everyone with her soulful stage presence and confidence.
Erina Leech – Sad Song Erina she calls herself was up next. Erina voice has a unique earthy quality. She touched our hearts when she sang two modern tunes – Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol and I Wasn’t Expecting that by Jamie Lawson.
Clelia Adams is always a powerhouse vocalist. Still recovering from brain surgery in the last 12 months it really takes it out of her to perform… and yet perform she does, winning over the crowd with her singing and her funny jokes. We love Clel who has been a regular at Uke Night since year one back in 2011. In fact she will be back next month for Back to Basics with another favourite, Multi Instrumentalist Chris Cook.
Thanks again to all of you who attended the evening, Club Mullum for hosting the event, Luis and Deb for sound, Ash on the door and Samb Brown for the live stream. Check out the night here:
What a glorious start to the year. With Ash Bell and Sara Tindley as guest vocalists, Jamie Pattugalin on drums and Rod Coe on bass with new comer Anni Di Groot on Viola and Violin. A really enjoyable two sets of music that peaked with Toto’s Africa, followed by Elton John’s I’m Still Standing.
There were many great moments, Rosie killed her two tunes and Miss Amber had a great night also. Val Hogson’s ‘better half’ Barry has made two tenor guitars and after much trial and error has found the correct stings to be able to tune to standard ‘C’ ukulele Tuning. Stu played Jim Croce‘s Time In A Bottle on the ‘BAZ’ and it wasn’t too shabby. Actually a very beautiful instrument to play. Great intonation and surprisingly not too much of a stretch. This song was chosen by the 1000th subscriber to the Youtube Channel – Colleen Crawford who also landed Stu his current regular teaching job. There was a hush in the room.
Click these links for the live streams of the evening (big thanks to Samb). SET 1 | SET 2
This was the final official UKE NIGHT of 2018 and a good chance to choose our favourite songs from the year. Miss Gittins on wind and Roddy Coe on bass were on board along with Evan Sun on other stringed things and we were thrilled to have Jaime Pattagalin back on drums.
The setlist was largely chosen by the Uke Mullum Community and was a very well rounded selection of quality tunes with a varying degree of difficulty. It was a lovely way to wrap up the year.