It’s always great when someone says, “that was the best uke night yet”… (some one always says it.) This Uke Night felt like a big joyful wake, lot’s of warmth and melancholy… less uke playing on many of the songs as the chords were particularly tough this month, though lots of loud singing.
Stu as usual lead the first few tunes and hit a high with Roy Orbisons’ ‘Crying’. It was an extra special night for Miss Amber as it was her Ukulele debut. She did her own version of Amy Winehouse’s ‘You Know I’m No Good’ a great arrangement that was hugely applauded. Members from the N.R.U.O, Madeleine, Jeanti and Terry joined in to play the riff from Nirvana’s ‘Come as You Are’.
This night had the benefit of extra planning time as the concept was originally for March then was moved as our stars Belle Hendrik and John Hill were not available till April. So glad it worked out this way as the set list and charts were fine tuned into what turned out to be a celebration of the great artists who have effected our lives so many ways and now have passed over to the other side. Also, sadly Prince died a week before the show so two of his tunes were added to the set.
John Hill is a consumate performer, singer and piano man and he floored everyone with his version of Joe Cocker’s ‘You Are So Beautiful’ (with the missing 2nd verse) then followed it with the Jamie Cullum inspired version of Jimi Hendix’s ‘The Wind Cried Mary’.
Special surprise guest was the unpredictable maverick Phil Frea. He was very entertaining with his lyrical adaptation of ‘New York New York’ – ‘Newtown Newtown’. Even the mixed up verse somehow made it even funnier. He then dedicated his next tune to his 6 year old Daughter – ‘I’m Gonna Sit right down and write myself a letter’ with bv’s from Belle and Miss Amber.
Stu lead the Elvis Medley with more BV’s from the gals and it was time for the break with raffle and lucky door prize.
Belle Hendrick is a force of nature. Her versions of Nina Simone’s ‘Feeling Good’, Edith Piaff’s ‘Non Je Ne Regrette Rien’ and ‘Kozmic Blues’ by Janis Joplin were jaw dropping…. then she belted out AC DC’s Highway To Hell with a version that would have had Bon Scott scared. After John Lennon’s ‘Imagine’ the cast fare welled Prince one more time with Purple Rain. There were more than one standing ovation during the night.
Rod Coe on electric Bass and Rex Carter on drums were the incredible as usual, thanks to Luis for gtreat souns and Deb on the Door and the club for having us. Fiona Knight who is still battling cancer came along on the night. Margaret Bell escorted her and it was so great to see them both there.
See All Lyn McCarthy’s pics from the night here (thanks again Lyn)
- Pics by Lyn McCarthy Niche Pix